Ibn Tufayl: Alone on the Island of One’s Mind is a fictional tale based on the questions and the thoughts Ibn Tufayl might have had before writing his famous work Hayy ibn Yaqdhan. How did Ibn Tufayl’s journey towards writing such a work begin? What kinds of thoughts must have passed through his mind along that journey? In this book, we set out on our own journey to find and follow the footsteps of Ibn Tufayl’s mind.

Format :Kitap
Barkod :9786256698215
Yayın Tarihi :2024-08-14
Yayın Dili :İngilizce
Orjinal Adı :İbn Tufayl Alone On The İsland Of One’s Mind
Baskı Sayısı :1.Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı :56
Kapak :Karton
Kağıt :Kuşe
Boyut :160 X 240
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : Özkan Öze
Resimleyen (Çizer)   : Narges Hashemy
Çevirmen   : Sheeba Arif
Editör   : Feride Kurtulmuş
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