Join al-Ghazali along this journey as he proves that there is no necessary connection between causes and their effects, fire and burning, as philosophers believe. He gives readers a perspective illumined by revelation, which enables them to look, see, investigate, analyse, and learn about all things—from stars in the sky to ants in the soil—as signs pointing to the One Who created them.

Format :Kitap
Barkod :9786256698239
Yayın Tarihi :2024-08-14
Yayın Dili :İngilizce
Orjinal Adı :Al- Ghazali When Cotton Touches Flame
Baskı Sayısı :1.Baskı
Sayfa Sayısı :56
Kapak :Karton
Kağıt :Kuşe
Boyut :160 X 240
Emeği Geçenler :
Yazar   : Özkan Öze
Resimleyen (Çizer)   : Narges Hashemy
Çevirmen   : Sheeba Arif
Editör   : Feride Kurtulmuş
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